We are men and women through love and for love. Complete human nature is shaped in two different and complementary ways of being, each with equal dignity and worth. In this manner, the gift and embrace of human love, what these intimate relationships share and communicate, are the dimensions of the same humanity.
“Yet another challenge is posed by the various forms of an ideology of gender that denies the difference and reciprocity in nature of a man and a woman and envisages a society without sexual differences, thereby eliminating the anthropological basis of the family”. (The Joy of Love, n.56)
We human beings have unfortunate experiences of ideologies that dehumanize us; Communism, Nazism, Fascism, justifications of slavery. We know their symptoms. For example, their tyrannical imposition against freedom of thought, expression, and dissemination of whatever contradicts them, including scientific evidence. Another sign of tyrannies is to discredit you professionally and socially, even through violent coercion, or to prosecute you criminally if you question any of their imposed dogmas. These totalitarian ideologies often take advantage of injustice, a social scourge, a historical claim, using it as an excuse to impose a remedy that is worse than the disease.
I modestly suggest that when faced with certain radicalisms and impositions of gender ideology, ask about their view of love, if they even have one. It ends up being poor and weak, surprisingly old, both from the anthropological, psychological, and experimental point of view. It leads to too many failures, disappointments, loneliness, and personal emptiness. Perhaps what happens to these ideologies is that they fail to overcome the vision of difference between men and women as a hierarchical inequality; one of them is the dominant master, and the other is the submissive servant. Because of this limitation, gender ideology sees human sexuality as a radical conflict, a scenario for a power struggle, not complementarity for love. For this reason, the family is seen, in itself and by a dogmatic definition, as the structure of patriarchal power and the sphere where, from birth, women are enslaved. Understood as such, it is logical that they seek to suppress the family, including the words father or mother.
I wonder: are there not polluted rivers, seas, and waters? Are there not polluted atmospheres, and many of them, over our cities? Continuing with the analogy: have there not been and are there not loveless, corrupted families that are hell?
What is the proper remedy that actually solves and cures the problem? Must we suppress water because it is sometimes dirty, consider it a cultural error, and insist on living water-free, with a strange substitute? Is the solution to the polluted atmosphere to suppress air, deny the lungs´ natural function and propose that we live inside a diving suit, consuming perhaps some kind of gas supplied by the dominant ideology? Would it not be simpler, cheaper, and more honest to clean the water and the atmosphere so that we can once again calmly drink and breathe according to our nature?
I share the same opinion regarding “pollution” among sexual and familial relationships. The best solution is not to impose the eradication of the difference between men and women or the family. Such a solution would be simplistic and false, like believing that killing a dog eradicates rabies. The best solution is to cleanse sexual and familial relationships of vices, corruptions, abuses, violence, tyranny, betrayal, and lies. The key is never to kill who is sick. The best remedy is always to heal him, to prevent him from getting sick by caring for his health.